Eastwood Basic Body Solder Kit

· 2 lbs. of Solder (Basic) / 5 lbs. of Solder (Deluxe)
· 1 flat and 1 half-round paddle (Basic) / 4 flat and 2 half-round paddle (Deluxe)
· 1 file holder and 1 flat body file (Basic) / 2 file holder and 2 flat body file (Deluxe)
· 1 lb. tallow, 1 lb. tinning butter, 5 acid brushes
· How-to-DVD

SKU: 31124A Kategori:


Eastwood Body Solder Kit has more of what you need to fill with better adhesion, strength and durability than plastic fillers.30/70 lead-based body solder is slightly easier to work with than our lead-free solder, and provides better adhesion, strength and overall durability than plastic fillers. Includes a big 5 lbs. of solder for serious soldering pros. Kit includes:


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