Sanuvox Air Purifier with Ultraviolet Sterilizer 220 VAC (P900-GX)


– Eradicates bacteria, viruses and mold
– Destroys chemical and biological odors
– 9 electronically controlled speeds
– Touch-Pad Digital Controls with Count-Down Timer
– Purify up to 80 square meter
– Easily wall mountable integrated stand and handle included


SANUVOX is the leading manufacturer in Ultraviolet Air and Object Sterilizer/Purification holding dosmetic and international patents, bringing to markets around the world, products and solutions for virtually any indoor quality issue.

PROVEN RESULTS: Tested by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and National Homeland Security Research Center (NHSRC) on Biological Warfare Agents (BWAs). Sanuvox was the only manufacturer that contributed a single UV system and did not require any reducation in air-flow or duct modifications to achieve greater than 90% destruction on all three cross-sections of biological contaminants.

Informasi Tambahan

Berat 7 kg
Dimensi 60 × 42 × 18 cm


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